Neuropathy & Stenosis

Spinal stenosis can be treated conservatively with different therapies such as chiropractic and corrective spinal exercise.

What is spinal stenosis?
The word stenosis means a narrowing.  With spinal stenosis, it means a narrowing of the canal that encloses the spinal cord (Central Spinal Stenosis) or the canal that encloses the spinal nerves as they exit the spine (Foraminal Spinal Stenosis). A number of condition can cause this such as arthritis, herniated/bulging disc, bone spurs, inflammation, thickening of spinal ligaments, and you could also just be born with a defect.

What can be done?
Many of the causes of spinal stenosis can be treated conservatively with different therapies such as chiropractic and corrective spinal exercise.  We also utilize the Triton DTS to perform a therapy called Spinal Decompression.  This therapy can often open these canals that are stenosed and in turn provide substantial relief and correction of this disorder.

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